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We Did That - O22 2023

Oct 23, 2023

2 min read

We came together yesterday in front of the barricaded statehouse steps to demand accountability for police brutality in Ohio.

Families spoke their truth for how Time is a Factor for their losses.

Organizers from a dozen organizations used the power of art in protest to highlight the 1,200 Ohioans who are no longer with us because of police brutality, leaving empty shoes behind that will never be filled.

And the community stood in solidarity, filling postcards with name after name of people who are no longer with us, and for whom no amount of justice will bring them back.

Time is a factor. And the time is now for us to come together to end police brutality in Ohio.

Last night FOP President Brian Steel was so offended by the idea of true accountable policing, he put on his suit and stood in his driveway to film a media response questioning what more "they" could want for accountability.

We're so glad you asked, Brian. We've come prepared with the facts and a list of demands.

1. We demand an end to the extension of Marsy's Law to police officers in Ohio.

2. We demand an end to qualified immunity and to replace it with mandatory licensing and insurance for all peace officers in Ohio.

3. We demand every police department must implement standardized policies including the following:

  1. Restricting the use of deadly force

  2. Restricting police pursuits

  3. Immediate mandatory drug and alcohol screening after every documented use of force 

Finally, we are rolling out an action YOU can take NOW!! Send a letter to Ohio lawmakers asking them to walk with our communities for accountable policing.

Please forward this action to your family and friends. Together, we can reshape bad policies and practices in a way that empowers all of us to create safety and peace in our lives, families, and communities. We know a better future is possible, and by walking together, we can demand that our elected leaders make this a place where all of our rights and our lives are respected.

Time is a factor. The time is NOW.

Oct 23, 2023

2 min read

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